The Art of Healthy Living ... living with psychological trauma The Art of Healthy Living ... living with psychological trauma

Discover Your Own Inner Journey

Discussion started by Adam Rangihana 12 months ago

Discover Your Own Inner Journey

I began this project in response to some 50 years of dealing with physical and psychological adversity.   Since the age of 4yrs old I have faced physical and mental trauma, when I was 18yrs old I suffered a major accident falling 12.9 metres (5 stories approx.) through steel head first into a concrete floor... I deal everyday with physical and psychological pain and this website is my story about how I have learnt and continue to live with these issues; including not least of all a traumatic brain injury.

In my life and to the best of my knowledge I have undertaken every type of rehabilitation and health treatment program that was available to me on my journey.  I have studied and read many books (very slowly), on subjects that include health, history, philosophies, beliefs and science researching as much as life has gifted me the opportunity to partake...

There are many success based courses and guides available in today's modern life that profess to help everyone in just about any situation... so many groups, organizations, and companies claim they can help you even though they have no personal experience of what it is to live with major trauma and disability ... without taking away anyone else's pain and suffering I do have many personal experience's and have talked to many people over the years who have shared there experiences with me.

It is important to understand what makes my strategies unique. I am a Real survivor and as mentioned before I donot wish to take away anyone else's hurts, pain and suffering... the many stories of those who have lived through the many horrors that the chaos of life produces... I can also say that I have been provided with many medical opinions that attest to these life experiences as easily being individually severe to extreme.  Let me be clear I do not pretend to speak for everyone who has suffered major trauma and abuse but I have worked with and been helped by many who have similar experiences in my community and in this sharing I have learnt much.

In creating this website I am able to express the methods, strategies, tactics and exercises that I have used to harmonize the morals, hopes, life stories and dreams of my person and life... healing, creating and developing a more successful life experience.

Do I still have bad days..?  Yes /absolutely. However each day I practice the strategies, methods, and exercises that I have developed over many years is a day that I won... its a day that might not be rated high in success, it may have been painful and hurtful, but its a day that I got to live... and that's not nothing in my book.

Do these plans, strategies, tactics, and courses replace Professional Medical Advice..?  NO / absolutely NOT, in fact an integral part of my methodology includes seeking professional medical help as appropriate...

If you believe you have suffered or are suffering from psychological injury please see your local doctor /general practitioner asap.

Success based Healing, Creativity & Management Courses

In the practical art of well-being, health and living your life in a successful manner... it is always best to capture the ideas, thoughts and philosophies of that success and health that you are concerned with whole and in the context that may apply best to your journey with regard to ones current sense of being and situation. 

I have found through my many communications with people in my community that each person has their own knot of psychological connections that need to be taken in hand...  and in overcoming such psychological issues and injuries that are made more complex due to incomplete ideas, irrational behaviors and faulty characteristics I have found myself humbled and more complete. 

These incomplete faulty life patterns overtime develop ever more complex negative behaviors... robbing us of success and even our rightful sense of well-being.  These negative character traits drive us further towards and  into the nightmarish psychological trauma of depression, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and other similar psychological injuries.


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