Discover New Adventures

Social media - From Wikipedia, the free …

  Social media are computer-mediated tools that allow people to create, share or exchange information, ideas, and pictures/videos in virtual communities and networks. Social...

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Why I-JumpOnline transcends to Facebook

  Why I-JumpOnline transcends to Facebook Many men and women that make use of social media are starting to switch to I-JumpOnline from Facebook. Lots...

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Easy to Use

Our easy to use platform is designed especially for the modern internet user.  Being part of a great social media network that protects...

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Very Easy to Use

Being part of the great social media network allows you to connect with your friends and share posts, photos and videos in the...

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Easy to Use

Our easy to use platform is designed especially for the modern internet user.  Being part of a great social media network that protects your privacy and allows you to connect with your friends around the world; share posts, photos and videos in the cloud. When you use our platform , you'll be able to see if any of your friends are currently logged-in and connect with them easily. Our Privacy policy is simple we don't share your private information with Advertisers. You can sign into to tell your friends where you are, your friends can visit you and everyone can view comments made about whats happening right now via posts. Experience connecting with people in a completely new way. Remember we believe your privacy is important and will never go into your computer and steal all your browsing information and sell this information to giant faceless Corporations like other social media companies do.  By joining and confirming your membership with you will be helping to keep the integrity and freedom of the Internet.

Come and join our community. Expand your network and get to know new people!


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