2015 Personality Lecture 14: Existentialism: Solzhenitsyn / Intro to Biology & Psychometrics

Uploaded By: adam hartfields . Category: General . Added on: 28 August 2018.
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2015 Personality Lecture 14: Existentialism: Solzhenitsyn / Intro to Biology & Psychometrics
Jordan B Peterson
Published on Mar 4, 2015
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This lecture opens with the close of a discussion on Solzhenitsyn, the great Russian anti-Marxist, and closes with the opening of a discussion on biological psychology. Got that? Want to support this channel?

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adam hartfields
adam hartfields
Describing Personality; Lingustic Hypothesis... psychometric measure... important trait variation of the person will be captured in the language ... this is done by predicting responses... strong claim extract from variation in language through the big 5 traits ... weak claim is so far as you can measure variation in language you will measure one or more of the big 5 traits badly....
6 years ago
adam hartfields
adam hartfields
How do you know it is real... How do you construct your method to test what is real ... That you get the same answer using different methods... This is called the Multi method...
6 years ago
adam hartfields
adam hartfields
Dimensions or Reality... If we close our eyes we hear... if we close our physical senses we become aware of the dimension of thoughts, ideas and dreams ...
6 years ago