Tūmatauenga is the deity of war and people

Discussion started by Adam Rangihana 6 years ago


Tūmatauenga is the deity of war and people. Angry over the separation of his parents Ranginui and Papatūānuku, Tāwhirimātea, god of the weather, waged war on his brothers. He subdued a number of them, but Tūmatauenga proved his equal. From that time on there has been an ongoing battle between the weather (Tāwhirimātea) and people (Tūmatauenga).


In Māori mythology, Tū or Tūmatauenga (Māori: 'Tū of the angry face') is the god of war, hunting, food cultivation, fishing and cooking. All war-parties were dedicated to him, and he was treated with the greatest respect and awe. He is usually a son of the primordial parent, sky and earth (see Rangi and Papa).





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